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National Railway Historical Society

In 1935 a group of rail historians with an interest in preserving what had passed and what lay ahead, formed the National Railway Historical Society. They recognized the need to preserve and promote railroading nationwide. This need still exists—and you can be a part of the effort by joining the Connecticut Eastern Chapter.

From fewer than 40 persons the NRHS has grown to include over 20,000 men and women of all ages and professions in every state and many foreign countries, making it the nation's largest rail historical society.

NRHS Home Page

Connecticut Eastern Chapter N.R.H.S

The Connecticut Eastern Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society is dedicated to preserving historical materials of railway transportation. We are a non-profit organization interested in collecting railroad memorabilia, researching the history of local railroads, establishing a railroad museum, preserving railroad artifacts, railroad modeling, and educating the public about railroads and railroad safety. The members of the Connecticut Eastern Chapter are individuals who have a common interest in railroading. The membership is composed of all kinds of people with diverse professions, backgrounds, talents and skills, including children*. Everyone has something they can offer. If you like railroading of any kind, we are the group you are looking for.